Research Paper Topics on Culture

Select 1 type of health care organization that you feel is optimally effective and efficient in delivering health services and products as applicable

Assignment Details

Using the information you have gathered about types of health care organizations in this course, complete the following assignment: (3-4 pages. Abstract and Conclusion, References).


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  • Select 1 type of health care organization that you feel is optimally effective and efficient in delivering health services and products as applicable.
  • Compare this health care organization with one that is optimally ineffective in delivering health services and products as applicable.
  • Summarize reasons why each organization is most or least effective and efficient as related to the payer mix, customer and patient demographics, supply and demand factors, legislation and regulations, and other components.
  • Summarize your findings, and offer at least 3 suggestions to make the least effective or efficient organization more effective and efficient with justification and rationale.
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