Research Paper Topics on Culture

Anthropologists have the responsibilities of helping to understand the cultural aspects of the communities and how people live.

Anthropologists have the responsibilities of helping to understand the cultural aspects of the communities and how people live.

They therefore mimic the processes they experience through their interactions with the members of the community, and as well imitate various roles. There are able to gain more explicit knowledge through their procedures, and not just by depending on the interviews and questionnaires. This discussion focuses on anthropologists in relation to the way they address social concerns. The anthropologists include Franz Boaz, Margaret Mead and Paul farmer. The paper further addresses the potential of cultural anthropologists and way in which the research can be carried out for the benefit of the entire society.
Background information
The paper deliberates on the five cases and incorporates more information from various research studies. The information will be retrieved from various online sources to support the positions of anthropologists in quest to evaluate social concerns.
Main body: Reasoning incorporating the cases
Case 1: Guatemala Syphilis Experiment
This experiment aimed at finding out whether antibiotics could treat syphilis. The experiment was done in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948, when Truman and Juan were in office as presidents. The Guatemala officials and health officials collaborated in carrying out the experiment. The doctors infected soldiers, mental patients, prisoners and prostitutes with syphilis causing 83 deaths. This was an unethical practice as no informed consent was received. The experiment elicited criticism from human rights, triggering the U.S to send an apology for the unethical experiments.
Case 2: Studying old bones (Pervasion or preservation?)
The study concerns the battle at the cross boarder for alleged bone brewing bones for people who lived 500 years ago. The bones belonged to Ontario inhabitants. Huron Wendat voiced his demand for the Louisiana University to bring back remains of around 200 people stolen. This sensitive topic requires professions in the field of anthropology to address and study with professionalism. Human remains are sensitive issues and require appropriate address.
Case 3: IRB and Fieldwork future
According to the Institutional Review Board, research subjects require protection from unethical researchers. Due this concern, the IRB has hindered the ability to identify the experiences dead people went through. According to IRB, speaking to one another is viewed as performing an experiment; an approach that kills fieldwork. Further, aspects of identify the mental health from the mentally ill has elicited mixed reactions. The questions that social scientists may ask is about the criteria that is able to help in determining the health and those that are mentally ill, and as well the power behind such determinations.
Case 4: Behind the closed doors
IRB has the responsibility of creating ethical standards to be used by the researchers. The Chicago University presses also published the standards. The IRBs explains the reasons why its responsibilities are the way they are. One of the aims of the experiment is to enhance understanding of how daily experiences in law results from the way people deal with the same law and rules that affect the field of science.
Case 5: Subject to Aboriginal Experiments
This study is about the use of aboriginal children and adults in the past to experiment on nutrition. The Canadian government collaborated with resident schools on Vancouver Island in carrying out the experiment. The experiment began in 1942 with the researchers commencing their researches on the remote aboriginal reserve communities in Northern Manitoba, Pas, and Norway House. The aim of the research was to establish the body requirements of vitamins. This research therefore was unethical and unwarranted, as it was done without the knowledge of the participants.



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