Research Paper Topics on Culture

Assignment: Case Formulation Instructions

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Case Formulation Instructions


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You will conduct a 45–60-minute coaching session with a volunteer couple. Your volunteer couple may be married, or they may be a couple who are planning on marriage. Family and friends are acceptable volunteers. All participants must agree to the terms outlined in the Consent Form.


You must complete the Case Formulation Questions with the information gathered in the coaching session. You must use your answers to the questions to create a 6–8-page Case Formulation report.


Your Case Formulation report must include the following:

  • A title page
  • 6–8 pages of content (You may use first person voice for this assignment.)

All parts of this assignment must conform to current APA format.



Case Formulation Questions

Complete the following questions after a 45-60 minute coaching session with a couple. (You may want to tape or video this session for your use in answering the following questions. The tape will not be turned in to the professor.)


1.      What questions did you use to help the couple to start to tell their story and to reveal their goals?

2.      What was needed to establish rapport or a trusting relationship with the couple?

3.      What active listening techniques did you use to help them tell their story or agenda?  See this site:

4.      In 200 words or fewer, briefly summarize the content of what the couple had to say about their story.

5.      What do you think the couple did not say that should have been said?

6.      What is the wife’s agenda: visions, values, possibilities, goals, dreams, and/or aspirations?

7.      What would it look like if she reached her goals?

8.      What efforts have been made to achieve her goals?

9.      What is working for her? What has she tried in the past that has worked and what has not worked?

10.  What gets her excited or fired up? What is scary or disappointing to her? Why?

11.  What is the husband’s agenda: visions, values, possibilities, goals, dreams, and/or aspirations?

12.  What would it look like if he reached his goals?

13.  What efforts have been made to achieve his goals?

14.  What gets him excited or fired up? What is scary or disappointing to him? Why?

15.  Are there differences and/or discrepancies in their values, possibilities, goals, dreams and/or aspirations?

16.  What is the bigger picture for this couple? Are there richer possibilities that you sense could be achieved?

17.   What emotions did you detect from the couple?

18.  What tone or body language did you notice with the couple?

19.  What was going on in your own body as you listened to the couple?

20.   Did you have a “gut feeling” or intuitive reaction? What mental image or metaphors or internal words or phrases emerged in you as you listened to the husband and wife?

21.  What is the main concern or focus that was presented by the couple? Is it clear, appropriate, steady, flexible, maintainable, and is it related to goals that would foster the couple’s marriage and goals?

22.   How does each partner tend to interpret his or her life experiences? Is he/she negative or positive? Does he/she see only the problems or does he/she see the possibilities? Is his/her mind-set helpful or is it limiting?

23.  Given the couple’s goals, what are their strengths and skills? What needs to be learned?

24.  What capabilities does each partner possess that will be helpful in achieving the goals? A good way to determine capabilities is to ask about what he/she has patience for and can tolerate or what he/she is impatient with or cannot tolerate.

25.  Do their habits, practices, and patterns in their physical, emotional, cognitive, and emotional realms support them in achieving their goals?

26.  Does each person have the ability to motivate himself or herself to accomplish the goal?

27.   Is each one willing to accept God’s guidance in the coaching process?

28.  What is the one most important thing that needs to change in order for the couple to achieve their goal or vision?

29.  Are they each willing and committed to change?

30.  Add any other information that might be important to the assessment and the coaching process.


(Note: It is understood that not all of this information can be gathered in just one session, but if you have kept these questions in mind during your coaching session, it is likely that most of them can be addressed.)


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