Research Paper Topics on Culture

Assignment: Psychosocial Crises in Middle Adulthood

The purpose of this discussion is to help you prepare for your assignment in this unit. In your discussion post, you have the opportunity to think through how people might be affected by some of the psychosocial issues of middle adulthood.

Chapter 12 of your Development Through Life text outlines developmental tasks of middle adulthood, such as career management and change, nurturing of intimate relationships, and the expansion of relationships and management of a household. Consider that the primary psychosocial crisis of middle adulthood is generativity versus stagnation. Think about someone you know well who is currently in this stage of life. Draw upon your Development Through Life text (specifically Chapter 12) to complete the following:


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· What kinds of changes have you seen in this individual’s behavior since he or she has been in this developmental stage?

· What are some ways in which situational and environmental factors might be impacting how this person deals with the psychosocial crisis of generativity versus stagnation?

· Please remember to cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Note: Please maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the person about whom you are writing, including by not providing this person’s name or relationship to you.

Response Guidelines

Read the initial posts of your peers, and respond to at least one in detail. Based on the details that your peer has provided, to what extent do you agree that the behavior described is indicative of this developmental stage? Pose one question to your peer about some other aspect that you might expect to see in the individual involved. Note that continuing this discussion through additional responses can be particularly helpful in preparing for your assignment in this unit.


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

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