Research Paper Topics on Culture

Computer IT

Computer IT

In this scenario, you are a human factors investigator who has been asked to provide recommendations and guidelines for improving the accessibility of hardware, software, and IT services for an employee with physical disabilities. Your report will evaluate the current environment and provide recommendations for improvement.

Read the following articles to prepare for the report:
Tomorrow’s Ergonomics
Teaching and Learning Design: Commonalty and Diversity in Ergonomics, HCI and Architecture Design Education
Guidelines for Submission: The report should be submitted as a two- to four-page Word document that uses double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA style for any citations.
Overview: In this scenario, you have been asked by the HR department of a small regional hospital to provide IT support for one of the intake clerks. She has always been considered a stellar employee but is returning to work after an extended illness. She has residual physical disabilities as a result of the illness, including weakness on her left side and lingering sight issues that cannot be fully corrected with glasses or contact lenses.


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Prompt: Prepare a report that summarizes your recommendations for reasonable IT accommodations that will allow the employee to continue her work as an intake clerk.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
ï‚· Technology Recommendations. What supporting technology (hardware or software) would you recommend to accommodate the clerk’s disability? If multiple options are feasible, provide a summary of the pros and cons of each option, along with your final recommendation. Explain your rationale, focusing on cost, ease of use, and effectiveness.

ï‚· Work Environment Recommendations. What alterations to the work environment would you recommend? Consider the work station, ergonomics, and other relevant work-space characteristics.

ï‚· Training and Support Recommendations. What training or other support resources would you recommend for the clerk as she returns to work? Be sure to identify services needed to effectively use identified software or hardware.
IT 331: Hospital Clerk Scenario Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In this scenario, you have been asked by the HR department of a small regional hospital to provide IT support for one of the intake clerks. She
has always been considered a stellar employee but is returning to work after an extended illness. She has residual physical disabilities as a result of the
illness, including weakness on her left side and lingering sight issues that cannot be fully corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
Prompt: Prepare a report that summarizes your recommendations for reasonable IT accommodations that will allow the employee to continue her work
as an intake clerk.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
? Technology Recommendations. What supporting technology (hardware or software) would you recommend to accommodate the clerk’s
disability? If multiple options are feasible, provide a summary of the pros and cons of each option, along with your final recommendation.
Explain your rationale, focusing on cost, ease of use, and effectiveness.
? Work Environment Recommendations. What alterations to the work environment would you recommend? Consider the work station,
ergonomics, and other relevant work-space characteristics.
? Training and Support Recommendations. What training or other support resources would you recommend for the clerk as she returns to work?
Be sure to identify services needed to effectively use identified software or hardware.
Guidelines for Submission: The report should be submitted as a two- to four-page Word document that uses double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA style for any citations.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more
information, review these instructions.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria
and includes insightful
suggestions for effectively
implementing the technology
Recommends appropriate
hardware and software based
on the accessibility challenges
outlined in the scenario;
response includes a welldeveloped
rationale for each
Recommends appropriate
hardware and software to
address accessibility
challenges, but the
recommendations are
incomplete or not adequately
Does not recommend
appropriate hardware and
software based on the
accessibility challenges
outlined in the scenario
Work Environment
Meets “Proficient” criteria
and includes details for
effective implementation
Recommends specific and
comprehensive alterations to
the work environment
Recommends alterations to
the work environment, but
recommendations are
incomplete or unclear
Does not recommend
appropriate alterations to the
work environment
Training and Support
Meets “Proficient” criteria
and includes details for
effective implementation of
training and services
Provides specific and
recommendations for training
and support
Provides recommendations
for training and support, but
the response is incomplete or
Does not provide appropriate
recommendations for training
and support
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy to
read format
Submission has no major
errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Earned Total 100%

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