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Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative!

Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative!

Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative!
Each slide should include information about each macronutrient.

Definition of the macronutrient inclusive of its function and structure
Where they are digested and absorbed
Types and their purpose
Special characteristics and function
Clinical applications as they relate to health and diets
Use APA Editorial Format for citations and references used other than the textbook.


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Macronutrients – Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins


In this module nutrients are introduced with a discussion about how they work in the body. There are six classes of nutrients:

Energy yielding macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Lipids or Fats, and Proteins
Non-energy yielding micronutrients: Vitamins (water soluble and fat soluble) and Minerals (macrominerals and microminerals) and Water
In this module the focus will be on energy yielding macronutrients. In the next module the non-energy micronutrients are discussed.

Let’s start with an overview by viewing the Gastrointestinal Tract in Action and you may find the following CDC Nutrition for Everyone website helpful

Carbohydrates: Structure and Sources

A carbohydrate is an organic compound (a substance that contains carbon bonded to hydrogen) that provides energy. Chemically, all carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the same proportion as water (H2O). A carbohydrate is measured in calories or “kilocalories.”

A kilocalorie (C) is a unit of energy. Note the capital C means these are kilocalories and not calories. Carbohydrates provide 4 Calories/gram and are an immediate source of energy for the body. For example, to find the number of carbohydrate kilocalories, find the amount of carbohydrates per serving and multiply this number by four to get the amount of carbohydrate kilocalories. Example: 20g carbohydrates x 4 = 80 kilocalories of carbohydrates. So keep this in mind when teaching clients.

Carbohydrates include starches, fiber, and sugars (glucose). Carbohydrates can be found in rice, pasta, cereals, starchy vegetables (corn, potatoes, green beans) and bread. Fiber-rich carbohydrates include berries, kidney beans, and broccoli. Carbohydrates with a large amount of sugars are baked goods, cookies, cakes, soda, syrups, and honey. You can think of carbohydrates as anything with “white” ingredients (white flour, white sugar). Fruits are also considered carbohydrates with sugar as well as alcohol. This is helpful to remember when conducting client teaching. You help them to distinguish between high calorie, high starch, and high sugar carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: Role in the Body and Health Effects

The number one role carbohydrates play is to supply energy (4 C/gram). Carbohydrates are specifically important to neurologic function (brain) and physical exercise. Also, carbohydrates save protein use in the body by using carbohydrates for energy rather than growth and maintenance of body tissues and prevent ketosis. Growth and maintenance of body tissues is best done by proteins. Carbohydrates provide fiber from whole grains. Fiber reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. Fiber is needed to prevent constipation which can lead to hemorrhoids, and gastrointestinal disorders such as diverticulosis and colon cancer. Our bodies need 45-65% carbohydrate intake of our total energy intake (the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range or AMDR). Adequate Intake of fiber is 25 grams per day for women and 38g for men.

An important point for nurses to remember about carbohydrates is that a low carbohydrate high protein diet can lead to keto-acidosis and damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys because the body will break down proteins (and muscle) if there is not enough glucose in the body for energy. Another important point is that the liver converts all molecules to glucose. So for those diabetic clients on oral anti-diabetic medications, always consider liver function. Hypoglycemia is another disease process to recognize concerning carbohydrates. Lastly, lactose intolerance is considered when discussing carbohydrates because dairy products contain lactose, a sugar and form of carbohydrates.

Lipids: Structure and Sources

A lipid is also an organic compound that provides an important energy source during rest and low intensity exercise. Chemically all fats contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen much less proportionately to water. A lipid also contains phospholipids, phosphorus, and occasionally nitrogen. Lipids include triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols. Lipids are insoluble in water. Think of a lipid when making a salad dressing; the oil or fat stays on top of the water.

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