Research Paper Topics on Culture

Discuss a selective competency related to this modules objectives of coaching and mentoring. Appropriately apply references supporting the literature to describe how the leader/manager effectively identifies and handles problems of performance verses problems of behaviors.

Discuss a selective competency related to this modules objectives of coaching and mentoring. Appropriately apply references supporting the literature to describe how the leader/manager effectively identifies and handles problems of performance verses problems of behaviors.

Discuss a selective competency related to this modules objectives of coaching and mentoring. Appropriately apply references supporting the literature to describe how the leader/manager effectively identifies and handles problems of performance verses problems of behaviors. Respond your classmates post showing your synthesis of the post and cite the literature to support your entry. Make sure at least one reference is from outside the assigned readings. RESPOND TO THE 2 POST HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW My Original Post As a nurse manager I have the responsibility to identify and address problems of performance and problematic behaviors in my workplace because they threaten the well-being and safety of both staff and patients. The first step is to acknowledge the existence of these problems their triggers and their consequences as well as devise appropriate strategies to address them. The nurse manager should identify and talk to nursing staff with problems of performance and help them identify their areas of weakness and the strategies to improve them. The nurse manager should also assume a zero tolerance stance to problematic behavior at the workplace. Staff education and training can help create awareness and improve performance. In addition improving communication skills ensuring effective communication and promoting a culture of tolerance can help address problematic behavior in the workplace (Longo 2010). The selected competency that relates to the objective of coaching and mentoring is diversity. Differing generations of nurses are required to work together. This generational diversity always presents with differences in values and attitudes in and to the workforce. As a nurse manager I need to understand that there are varied worldviews among nurses based on generational diversity and that these differences must be taken into account when coaching and mentoring nurses (Hendricks & Cope 2013). This understanding will help the nurse manager to design and maintain a work environment that both retains that present older generation and attract the younger generation of nurses. I need to understand the association between divergent personal features and work approaches that are inherent in each generation of nurses to know the effects of life experiences on core personal values to help foster a work ethic that promotes professional work behaviors (Fallen & McConnell 2014). It is my responsibility as a nurse manager to be able to capitalize on the differences among nurses to promote highly harmonious and effective work groups. I need to create a work environment that is reflective of the need of the current nursing workforce as well as focus on nursing professions sustainability by making it lucrative for older nurses to stay and younger ones to enter. This can be achieved through recognizing and valuing the approach of each generation to communication which can then help in promoting cohesion in the workplace. Acknowledging different generations mental models and behaviors can prevent workplace misunderstandings. As a nurse manager I can establish basic rules that reinforce the value of tolerance and respect among all generations. In addition I can promote effective work by underscoring mutual team goals and ensuring that patient care remains the focal point (Hendricks & Cope 2013). References Fallen L.F. & McConnell C. (2014). Human resource management in health care. Principles and practice. Burlington MA: Jones and Bartlett. Hendricks J. M. & Cope V. C. (2013) Generational diversity: what nurse managers need to know. Journal of Advanced Nursing 69(3) 717725. doi: 10.1111/j.13652648.2012.06079.x. Longo J. (2010). Combating disruptive behaviors: strategies to promote a healthy work environment. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 15(1) Manuscript 5. Good job! Can you share one example that you did last week to demonstrate you desire and ability to demonstrate the value of diversity in your staff and how you are inspiring them to do the same. If something doesnt come to mind about last week what will you intentionally do this week and how will you do this. Dr. C (1 Paragraph or a little more) Also Respond to the post below from a classmate and show you synthesis of the post and cite the literature to support and add to the discussion (2 Paragraphs) One role of a nurse manager/leader is to coach/mentor other staff/students. This role is not found within a majority of job descriptions. Mentoring and coaching are unique to each individual. Some leaders coach and mentor out of need while the truly great leaders have an inherent desire for these tasks. Regardless of the leaders drive mentoring and coaching fall under personal and professional accountability. Coaching and mentoring can inspire the staff in their personal/professional growth through joining professional organizations obtaining job-specific certifications and provide a blueprint for ethical practice and decision making (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses & the American Organization of Nurse Executives 2008). Coaching and mentoring can be utilized for two different staff issues. These issues are problems of performance and problems of behavior. These two issues may sound alike but they in fact are quite different. Problems of performance can be found when a staff member is not performing their duties at the level expected of them. This can be the outcome for a few varied reasons. These reasons can include a lack of employee engagement a lack of dialogue between leadership and staff and unclear expectations. Typically the explanations behind these problems do not lie with the employee but rather with the process. In a Just Culture employees are not punished for mistakes made that are a product of a flawed process. Through a Just Culture combined with coaching and mentoring reoccurring problems of performance can be greatly reduced.



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