Research Paper Topics on Culture

Discuss briefly the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature.

Discuss briefly the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature.


Nursing Care of a Person with Angina


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Mrs Brown (54 years) is brought to the emergency department by her husband following two episodes of chest pain, lasting approximately 15 minutes each, at work. She reports she has had increasing frequency of angina in the last few weeks. She does however admit to not taking her medication as required as she believed she had recovered from angina. Mrs Brown is admitted to hospital, to the medical ward, six hours later for further investigation. Her husband and family accompany her. She has a history of hypertension, her weight is 120kg, and she currently has an executive management job. Observations on admission are temperature 37.2oC, pulse 110b/min, respirations 24 respirations/min, and BP 146/89mmHg. You are working as a new graduate registered nurse on this ward. When you introduce yourself to Mrs Brown she tells you how stressed she is in her current job with numerous projects to develop and manage and tells you “I have no time to exercise anymore and I?m so busy and so tired my husband and I just end up eating take away a few times a week as I can?t be bothered cooking.” Later that evening you answer Mrs Brown?s nurse call bell and she tells you she has chest pain now. She states she just went for a walk around the ward and started to feel a bit short of breath. She rubs her sternum and left upper arm. She states her pain score is 9 out of 10. When you ask her to describe her pain she states “It feels like someone?s squeezing or pressing down on my chest, it feels really tight.” She has an anxious look on her face, is pale and you can see her face is a little sweaty.

.State an overview of the patient’s condition and identify TWO priority nursing problems. Give a brief plan for the essay topics.
• For the first problem (800 words): Briefly explain how it relates to the patient’s assessment data. Identify TWO priority nursing interventions to address the problem. Discuss briefly the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature. Outline the evaluation criteria/data that would indicate that each intervention is improving or resolving the identified problem.
• For the second problem (800 words): Briefly explain how it relates to the patient’s assessment data. Identify TWO priority nursing interventions to address the problem. Discuss briefly the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature. Outline the evaluation criteria/data that would indicate that each intervention is improving or resolving the identified problem.
• Conclusion (100 words): Briefly restate the patient’s condition and problems and how the nursing interventions can benefit the patient’s health.



The post Discuss briefly the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature. appeared first on Campus Nursing Papers.

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