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Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Administration

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Administration

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Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Administration

In today’s law enforcement, ethics is vital in making decisions on a daily basis to help solve moral issues and help guide us in the principle of law. Analytical and reasoning skills are essential for every law enforcement professional to understand its job functions and responsibilities when making decisions while on duty.

In the critical justice system, it is critical for law enforcement professionals to have leadership and standards, understanding due process, and knowing when to bring a criminal charge to an individual. As it is identified, we will be discussing several reasons why is training needed to develop critical ethics.

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

The importance to train in critical ethics and developing analytical skills in the criminal justice system

In Criminal Justice, critical ethics is an important process in identifying a correct decision in solving a difficult situation. Many law enforcement agencies are supporting law enforcement professionals in receiving training to develop critical ethics which enhances their analytical and reasoning skills.

In addition, according (Banks, 2017,p.4) “Training in critical ethics helps to develop analytical skills and reasoning abilities needed to understand the practical as well as the theoretical aspects of the criminal justice system “(Felkene, 1987). Furthermore, training in critical ethics will ensure law enforcement professionals are gaining more leadership, understanding the principles of due process, and the theory of practical law.

The importance of an effective leader in law enforcement by developing critical thinking and ethics to make the correct decisions on duty.  Leadership will give the law enforcement the exercise of power and authority with clarity. For example, (Willis, 2011) service, honesty, integrity, humility, and purpose are just a few qualities that is not only needed to be an effective leader but in learning and developing will cultivate law enforcement officers attitude of service and integrity.

Also, leadership promotes ethical standards in which leaders take accountability as a way to prove credibility in the department, leading law enforcement officers to have integrity and improving their practices while doing their functions. Moreover, being a leader according to (Carpenter, 2018) its is important to know the ethical policies of the department so law enforcement officers are informed of any new standard or updated policy. Last, leadership creates an environment of integrity, self improvement, discipline, and opportunities for other tasks within the department.

Due process is in an important factor in the criminal justice system where law enforcement officers must have the training and the knowledge to understand theoretical and practical legal processes. By understanding due process, law enforcement officers can deliberately give a proper report and understand with depth how the court proceedings will go forward in a court law.

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

Furthermore, law enforcement officers must understand in detail with the correct training and development that every citizen has the right to a public trial, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty and the right to assistance to counsel all these rights of part of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. Last, according (Banks, 2017p.15, p16)

Ethical issues in Criminal Justice and Public Policy, they are many fronts of ethical issues arises and due process is important to understand the current issues of the criminal justices system.  Last, it is crucial to write a well written report because based on the law enforcement officials findings, the case can either be dismissed or the accuser can get charge depending on the severity of the crime.

Next, in order to be a competent law enforcer officer, the individual must know the basics of the law, policing, and code of ethics. Every law enforcement officer must know the code of ethics of their department and police policies. By implementing more training and understanding  the law system and the code of ethics, law enforcement can make correct decisions.

In an article cited “Within an agency’s code of ethics are specific provisions promoting the safeguarding of lives and property, the importance of avoiding bias and the understanding that the badge is a symbol of the public trust. ( Roufa, 2018) . Police officers and law enforcement officials must always show integrity and understanding of the law. According to the Value of Ethics, by Banks (2017,p.4)

In this book, the value of the study of ethics by criminal justice professionals will become apparent as the criminal justice system is analyzed to reveal decision-makers sometimes fail to make the “right” choices or deliberately act unethically in carrying out their functions. Therefore, it is paramount to not jump into conclusions, obtain all the facts, understand the situation before making a decision that can impact the individual’s life or the person’s life.

In conclusion,  The Value of Ethics, the bulleted item that was chosen, cited by (Banks, 2017, p.4) training in critical ethics helps to develop analytical skills and reasoning abilities needed to understand the practical as the theoretical aspects of the criminal justice system.

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

It is the most important aspect for a law enforcement professional because training in critical ethics, and developing through leadership standards it will make the individual see the broader picture of the situation. Secondly, understanding the legal system and how due process operates in a court proceeding, it will prove that the law enforcement officer is competent and knowledgeable.

Also, a law enforcement officer that shows the basics in law and understands the code of ethics of the department, it will prove credibility and dependability amongst his or her superiors that the law enforcement professional can give a proper report of the case without any issues. Last, police officers or law enforcement professionals must know the basics of law, and the code of ethics of their department in order to do their job function.

It is crucial for law enforcement to make correct decisions because law enforcement officials are seeing as the representatives and protectors of our communities.

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice Administration

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