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Ethics in Criminal Justice

Understanding Ethics in Criminal Justice

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Understanding Ethics in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system will have to make life deciding decisions daily in their career field.  These decisions need to be thoroughly thought out before delivering the news or information to the recipient.  These decisions are all considered moral judgments and will determine if they are good or bad or right or wrong.  When law enforcement professionals have proper training, they can minimize all wrong or negative judgment calls.

In the criminal justice society, individuals must make daily decisions of what is right or wrong and what is classified as good or bad.  All these actions, thoughts, or judgments are defined as ethics.  Ethics falls under every category a person can think of, however, this paper is going to investigate how ethics plays a role in the criminal justice career field.  In this paper, I choose to write about how the study of ethics helps criminal justice professionals recognize the ethical consequences of certain activities and the moral principles involved. (Banks, 2017).

Ethics in Criminal Justice
Ethics in Criminal Justice

A law enforcement officer is on patrol must make many decisions or judgment calls involving different scenarios.  When the officer makes any call there are moral judgments that process through their minds.  An officer also may lack proper judgment calls which can have a negative effect of not only them but bystanders around them.  This all references back to how a criminal justice professional recognize ethical consequences.

In our reading, there is an example of how professionals use their title to conduct either illegal activity or better themselves by using a lack of judgment by separating their personal and professional lifestyles (Banks, 2017).  This can include driving under the influence or attempting to gain a financial advancement based on their professional title.  Officers have fallen victims to driving under the influence.

This usually occurs in smaller departments where the fellow officer knows if they are stopped they will either just let them go or offer them a ride home.  If all officers are properly trained to uphold the law no matter who or what they are dealing with, it will fall under an ethical decision.  The drunk officer may harass or demand better treatment because of their title.  The arresting officer may also break under pressure and release the driver.

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If officers are properly trained the officer should be able to properly handle all situations while making ethical sound decisions. If officers are properly using their car surveillance and body cameras, they should have all the proper proof.  In Denver, a police officer was on an audio recording telling the fellow officer he deserves better treatment (Stim, 2018).  All these examples can all be a personal or social ethics if the arresting officer can follow his training and honor and successfully complete his job.

Honor is ensuring an individual is conscious of their self-worth and their corresponding code of behavior is appropriate to their self-esteem while ensuring to follow what they were taught (Roth, 2005).  For a person to follow their honor, they must have a personal feeling of self-worthiness and dignity.  They must also be able to withhold their decisions when their peers may feel differently.

Another ethical decision a law enforcement member may have to use to keep the peace is how to properly use the use of coercion and deception.  An officer may use coercion and deception when dealing with individuals and still be considered fine when comparing where it was ethical or not.

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Ethics in Criminal Justice

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