Research Paper Topics on Culture

Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice

Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice

“Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice” IntroductionAccording to the strategy released by GOV.UK (2012) there were almost 1 million alcohol-related violent crimes and 1.2 million alcohol-related hospital admissions in 2010/11 alone. The levels of binge drinking among 15-16-year-olds in the UK compare poorly with many other European countries and alcohol is one of the three biggest lifestyle risk factors for disease and death in the United Kingdom after smoking and obesity. In a ploy to tackle alcoholism, the government has published strategies cornering alcohol consumption. The writer will approach this topic by briefly defining alcohol and its effect on an individual. The writer will discuss the aims and objectives then briefly talk over the prevalence, determinants, and effects of alcohol/binge drinking. The writer will also critically analyze the aims of government strategies in tackling alcohol drinking and afterward formulate an action plan initiatives that would address the gaps highlighted. Ethical consideration of the initiatives will also be explored, and consequently, reflection and conclusion will close the study.Aims and objectives whenever a new agenda needs to be pushed forward; the government releases policies on the particular subject in order to assist in the resolution of the issue by pushing forward new theories. The overall aim of the essay is to evaluate the impact of the government proposals on alcoholism on the UK Population the essay will also evaluate how useful the government strategies are on making healthcare practice in the UK more effective. The writer aims to do this by following these objectives. Define alcohol and its effect on an individual Discuss government initiatives on harmful drinking of alcohol. Evaluate the strategies and relating it to other objectives Discuss the impact of alcohol on health care and nursing practice

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