Research Paper Topics on Culture

How are hospitals improving the quality of care by driving errors out of the delivery of health care?

Healthcare has been in the headlines for several years now. Essentially, how does the US healthcare industry best meet the needs of its customers, namely all potential patients in the country? You have been tasked with researching the current state of healthcare delivery in the following area:

How are hospitals improving the quality of care by driving errors out of the delivery of health care?


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You need to perform a literature review (periodicals, journals …) looking for the quality challenges facing hospitals. Your must have a minimum of 10 periodicals. *It will be in a new attachment.

Next, make recommendations to address the challenges found in your literature research. Create a Power Point presentation summarizing your research with citations and your recommendations to the challenges you found. You will be allotted 8 to 10 minutes for your presentation to your peers.

Required Sections

Summary of the current state of quality within hospitals today
Summary of what hospitals are doing to improve quality
What recommendations does your team have to these quality problems?

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