Research Paper Topics on Culture



1.      Aim, objectives and feasibility of the dissertation

The aim and objective of this research are premised on the
effectiveness and speedy nature of drones in transport logistics. Therefore, it
will be based on six feasible areas which include:

  1. To compare the effectiveness of drones in terms of speed with
    other modes of logistics like plane and helicopter choppers.
  2. To determine the cost of using drones in managing logistical
    challenges of transport in areas that are inaccessible.
  3. To establish the reason behind the rapid influence of drones in
    war zone areas especially in controlling and fighting terrorism in countries
    that have been destabilized by war bandits like Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and
    Somalia among other war-torn countries.
  4. To ascertain the safety nature of drones in terms of accident and
    breakages as compared to other transport logistics like road transport, air,
    and water.
  5. To analyze the history of drones in terms of its origin and the
    reason for which it was manufactured in relation to logistical challenges
    bordering on transport and security issues.
  6. To predict the future of drones in logistics and possible
    obstacles that may derail its success.

According to Braybrook & Biass (2010), the use drones is gaining
popularity with transportation of viable and urgent commodities in areas that
remain largely inaccessible due to poor road networks, terrain and other social
factors like security challenges. It is from this proposition that we develop
the research question: Why is the use of drones in logistics gaining a lot of
popularity among many people especially the humanitarian aid and security
personnel in areas that are inaccessible due to physical and social barriers
like poor road networks and insecurity?


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The research is feasible in terms of the necessary resources that
are required to expedite and complete it in time. For instance, there are
adequate academic resources including books and previous research journals and
articles that have previously studied the drones and their logistical uses.
Therefore, these materials will aid in the generation of data which is a
pre-requisite in this kind of research thus feasible.  A good research
must incorporate the views of people that have technical skills in the researched
problem or question. The availability of the informants in the aeronautical
engineering makes this research feasible. As required in any kind of research
prior consent from various persons and interested parties have been made to
expedite the feasibility of this research.

The proposed question for this research is viable since it is
premised on the available knowledge and research in the use of drones and its
logistical uses. The research is justified further since it is clear and
analyses drones from the perspective of logistics which is an extensive
practice. According to Cowan (2016), security personnel are the greatest
beneficiaries from the gains that would be made from this research. In
addition, humanitarian assistance and aid officers like Red Cross and UN
humanitarian bodies that risk in delivering assistance to victims of war and
terrorism can greatly tap into the use of drones in volatile areas as observed
by Harris (2013). The justification of the research topic is also depicted in
the necessity of transport modes that transcend against all possible barriers
that may be in terms of roads and security issues.

2.      Literature review

McCoy (2003) in his article examines the possibility of American
government pursuing unmanned aerial logistics vehicles concept. The department
of defense informs that the military force should prepare for uncertain future.
To do that will require the force to transform into future force through
adapting to the changes in this decade that is full of complex issues. According
to the author, unmanned aircraft is the solution to the expected logistic needs
since it is reliable, simple, and flexible. In future, military logisticians
can apply the appropriate logistics to deliver the desired result in the
battlefield. Research illustrates that unmanned resupply plane can go beyond
the settlement of existing space resupply structure as well as the existing
manned ground resupply systems. Unmanned logistic aircraft has the potential to
lessen threat of human being life during fighting process, moderate logistic
path, and improve efficiency in operations. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAV) in an entire noncontiguous battlefield will ensure the logistic footprint
and risk. The process can additionally enhance logistics to improve
performance. One will attest significant benefits that justify the UAV
investment. As unmanned logistic aircraft works to improve the logistic
processes, personnel will become redundant. Other presumed benefit of using
unmanned systems is the reduction of fuel demand of battlefield through the
reduction of vehicle structure.

The issue of manned and unmanned systems precipitates controversy
in America where the supporters of UAV cite that there are cheaper and for that
reason, the government should abandon the manned system, as they are expensive.
Alternatively, the detractors argue that UAVs are gratuitous and disused given
the manned plane means. One senior deputy from the military argues that UAV
programs will provide reconnaissance augmentation. In the early 80s the federal
government managed to design UAV with a capability to loiter in the proximity
of latent opponent radar structure and later bomb them after emitting radar
signals. The designers of the device packed in a delivery rocket while being
launched to enemy territory to overcome expected range challenges. The
prototype has undergone testing to verify its ability where the result show
that that it can operate without the need of the autopilot structure during
impression, travel, and hallway. The societal rule does not necessitate piloted
marketable airliners since only a minor change is required to computerize
viable airline manufacturing to yield monetary profit to the airline

Betson (2012) argues that the continual use of UAVs in
battlefields reveal their weaknesses. Recently the federal government has
applied in the effort of counterterrorism to demolish the Al Qaeda and Taliban
militia. The unmanned systems appear as a potential solution to logistics
challenges to some of the most affected places in the world. The federal
government largely uses the unmanned systems in enemy terrain with dangerous
threat conditions. During winter, the weather ha hinder ground transport
capability while during spring, the melting snow can wash away the bridges
leading to isolation of units. In response to the hindrances to the weather,
the logisticians can construct warehouses that compensate for the weather
condition. That will not solve the issue adequately as an airplane can carry
limited supply. Similarly, a unit has to seize a high ground as it awaits the
helicopter to deliver the supplies. Logisticians in Afghanistan enemy territory
do not have a safe area to have ground battlefield and for that reason, America
has to rely on aerial resupply. The military proposes the continual use of Unmanned
Aerial Systems (UAS) that can conduct tactical resupply. Army research
considers a UAS with a capacity of carrying more than 60 pounds as a tactical
enabler. The army is carrying out different research to investigate the amount
that UAS can carry to reduce the number of trucks that that make their way in
the dangerous terrain. Organizational considerations reveal the inadequacies of
UAS even with many people embrace them for future supply distributions. To have
a successful performance by the UAS call for intense pilot training requirement
and significant maintenance. The surveillance of the UAS is best while
decentralized while it is difficult to attain that position due to the load
carried. The lift capacity of UAS is not close to the current cargo delivery

Tatham and Pettit (2010) say that humanitarian logistics entails a
procedure of preparation, execution, and calculating the gush of goods in a
cost effective way from the position of derivation to the end of expenditure.
The objective of the purpose is to meet the needs of the consumer. According to
the authors, the focus of humanitarian logistics can enable nations to respond
to any kind of disaster. The introduction of geographic information systems or
the unmanned airborne automobile systems can enhance the requests evaluation
procedure. The authors believe that an increase in the recognition of
network-information management system it will be easy to manage the delivery of
relief goods. The main cost driver in the supply network management entails the
logistic aspects of emergency aid provision. Multi-organizational networks
distribute material from the source to the beneficiaries especially in the
event of disasters. The public measures an effective response to disaster in
terms of the number of commodities present. The capability to guarantee
accessibility of commodities on the trade shelf is an unswerving indication of
the effectiveness of a particular contribute network. The supply chain managers
are professionals that possess both managerial skills and other logistic
competencies. Scholars argue the need to develop current thinking and practice
to counter implicit challenges in management that will enhance the status of
logistician. There are numerous environmental differences between supply chain
management and the humanitarian sector. The supply networks in the commercial
world illustrate the possibility of optimizing an effective balance so that the
humanitarian world can move quickly to deliver the tested solution without
encountering developmental hurdles that innovators face. Any agency that
attempts to address a disaster can attest to the number of hurdles in
humanitarian logistics. The increase of natural hazards, conflict, and other
vulnerabilities such as the financial crisis cause a global demand for
humanitarian assistance. Many countries that face humanitarian crisis do not
have economic or social preparation to address the issues. The adoption of a
whole approach to disaster mitigation can help reduce death instances from
natural catastrophes. The approach used by United Kingdom is to develop and
maintain the capability of its military through the adoption of a scaffold that
mirror the resource-based outlook of a firm.

3.      Research methodology and methods

In this section, you will
discuss your research methodology. What is your epistemological approach—positivist, relativist or constructionist?
This will inform the research design you choose as well as the research methods
that you will use to collect both the secondary and primary data. You must be able to justify your choice in
terms of your learning objectives, your research question and your research


Betson, AP (2012), ‘The Case Against a Cargo Unmanned Aircraft
System’, Army Sustainment, 44, 5, pp. 28-29, Academic Search
Complete, EBSCOhost,
[Online]. Available from:
(Accessed on 14 June 2016)

Braybrook, R, & Biass, E (2010), ‘Vertol
Drones for Cargo? (Cover story)’, Armada International,
34, 2, pp. 10-12, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, [Online].
Available from: (Accessed on 03 June 2016)

TAKE FLIGHT’, Canadian Business, 89, 1, p. 4,
Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, [Online].
Available from: (Accessed on 04 June 2016)

Harris, S (2013), ‘Drones Away’, Reason, 45, 5, pp. 32-40, Academic Search Complete,
EBSCOhost, [Online]. Available from: (Accessed on 03 June 2016)

McCoy, JV (2004), ‘Unmanned Aerial Logistics Vehicles–A Concept
Worth Pursuing’, Army Logistician, 36, 2, pp. 40-44, Academic Search
Complete, EBSCOhost, [Online].
Available from:
(Accessed on 14 June 2016)

Tatham, P, & Pettit, S (2010), ‘Transforming humanitarian logistics: the journey to supply network management’, International Journal Of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40, 8-9, pp. 609-622, Social Sciences Citation Index, EBSCOhost, [Online]. Available from: (Accessed on 14 June 2016)

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