Part 2 See attachment 6160 1 and 6160 ex Part 4 From the following variety of topics/concepts related to attachment, select one that attracts you strongly and/or stirs your curiosity: Synchrony Secure attachment Social referencing Attachment and prosocial behavior/empathy in young children Attachment and emotion regulation in young children Attachment and the development of spirituality in children Search the library for scholarly articles that provide further information about your chosen concept. Search the Internet for additional resources. From all resources you reviewed, select three that you find most relevant. At least two sources must be from scholarly journals. Study and reflect on the additional information you found. Post: A brief description of the concept you chose and why you chose it Citations for the three resources you selected, in APA format At least one insight, fact, or new learning from each of the resources A personal reflection including: Anything that surprised you and/or dispelled an assumption Additional information you found important, noteworthy, and/or unusual Part 5 See attachment 6160 2 and 6160 2 ex Part 6 public health measures that impact children’s development all over this world address, among others, the following areas of concern: Nutrition/malnutrition Immunization Access to healthy water Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Breastfeeding Mental health of mothers, fathers, and families in general POST Choose one public health topic from the list above (or one that you think should be added to the list). Describe in what ways this topic is meaningful to you. Find information about this topic from a different part of the world, and include this information in your Blog. Share ways the information you have learned may impact your future work. Part 7 One of your friends is expecting her first child. She is part of a small group of first-time parents who are eager to learn all they can about child development. Knowing that you are currently enrolled in a child development course, your friend asks you to provide the group with information about language development. Which theory or combination of theories would you use for your presentation, and why? Which position or combination of positions about the goals of language learning and use would you incorporate, and why? Part 8 See 6160 instructions and 6160 3 Part 9 In preparation for the discussion this week, reflect on the following: What is your response to the theory that identity formation occurs within dynamic systems of relationships and societal norms? In what ways have you noticed that children look to adults, peers, images on TV, and other media for clues about acceptable behavior and behavioral norms? Have you ever heard or read something that you considered to be racist, sexist, segregationist, or tolerant of abusive behavior? Have you ever felt awkward because you were told that your behavior or your views did not conform to the norm? Then: Listen to the radio; watch children’s programming including advertising; look at children’s books; or watch popular children’s movies. As you read, watch, and listen, put yourself in the place of a child between the ages of 2 and 6, and consider the messages you are receiving and all ways in which these messages might influence your sense of self. Five specific messages that, in your opinion, might influence a young child’s identity formation process The type of media that produced these messages A brief summary of specific ways these messages might influence the identity formation process Any new insights, noteworthy ideas or personal conclusions related to this assignment Part 10 Take a look at the list below-it is by no means complete, but instead highlights some of the major stressors children all over the world may experience: War Poverty Racism Natural disaster Isolation Hunger Noise Chaos Disease Environmental pollution Violence Have you, or has anyone you know, experienced any of these stressors as a child? How did you, or the other person, cope/survive? What were the ramifications? In what regions and/or countries are children currently experiencing any of these stressors? What do you think happens to those children’s biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development? From the list above, choose one stressor that you, or someone you know, experienced as a child. Share how you, or that person, coped with and/or compensated for that stressor (including any resources used or any support obtained). Choose a region or country in the world that you would like to know more about and/or for which you have a special affinity. Find out, and describe, the kind of stressor(s) that impact the development of children in that region/country and what is being done to minimize the harm. Part 11 Describe three examples of play behavior that illustrate the presence of intersubjectivity in children’s play. Summarize the ways intersubjectivity manifests itself in each of the three examples. Briefly state any new insights you gained, or ideas you developed, as a result of your readings about children’s construction of meaning and about intersubjectivity. Part 12 In your opinion, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of identifying and labeling children? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of considering special needs/varying abilities as variations of normal development? Part 13 See 6160 4 ex and 6160 4 Part 14 See 6160 5 ex and 6160 5 Part 15 See 6160 6 ex and 6160 6 Part 16 Considering a commitment to viewing young children holistically (i.e., a commitment to “the whole child”), what, if anything, do you believe should be measured or assessed? Explain your reasoning. In what ways are school-age children assessed in other parts of the world? (Choose a country or region of the world for which you have a personal affinity.) What additional ideas, comments, suggestions, examples, and/or concerns related to assessing young children would you like to share with your colleagues? Part 17 One positive and one negative impact of a technology tool, and the ways in which it may enhance and/or impede development for school-age children One suggestion for how you, and/or each of us, can foster the positive influence, and/or lesson the dangers, of new technologies on children’s development Any other comments, personal experiences, and/or insights you would like to add to this discussion Part 18 See 6160 7 ex and 6160 7 Part 19 five major topics related to child development: attachment, empathy, trauma, resilience, and global child development concerns. From the five major topics, choose one to which you feel a strong personal connection, Post: A brief summary of the three readings for your topic A reflective statement about why you chose this topic Part 20 Identify three additional Scholarly Resources for the topic you chose (at least one must address ways in which healthy development can be/is being fostered). Look for scholarly resources with the latest information on your chosen issue. Cite each resource in APA format. Summarize the content of each resource. Add a brief conclusion in which you address these questions: In what ways do these resources contribute to your deeper understanding of the topic? Which questions, if any, do you still have regarding this topic? Considering the resources you found, as well as everything you know at this point about children and their developmental paths: What is, in your opinion, the importance of this topic in relation to child development? Assignment length: approximately 2 pages Part 21 Reflect on what you have learned, and review the course objectives; your responses to the course discussions and assignments; the feedback you received from your Instructor, as well as from your colleagues; and your experience creating, and contributing to, your Early Childhood Blog and its international dimension. Then, write a Reflection paper that includes the following: At least three insights you gained from your coursework, with regard to child development At least one insight you gained about children, and child development, related to global awareness, issues, and/or concerns Ways in which your initial assumptions, about children and how children develop, have changed and/or been strengthened by your work in this course. Assignment length: 2 pages Part 22 At least one quote about children, or a visual/media piece with written commentary A note of professional thanks and support to the Blogs
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