Research Paper Topics on Culture

Net Worth Terminology

Net Worth Terminology

HSA 4170 Assignment #1 Requirements: Assignment #1 “Net Worth Terminology” is worth 50 points. A minimum of Two (2) references are required in proper APA format. References can come from a refereed peer reviewed journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source. Use the following questions below as a template and address all questions within your written assignment. This paper requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format. In addition, please use the FIU writing center to review your work (NOT REQUIRED, but extra credit points will be awarded to students who use the FIU writing center to review their work!) This assignment should be 2 pages MAX (excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment should be typed and submitted on a Word Document in APA format: size 12 font Times New Roman, normal margins (1 inch all around), double spaced. Review the chapter 4 about net worth terminology and Exhibit 4-3. Find one article that is healthcare industry/ organization related on two or more of the financial terms listed: Assets, Equity, Fund Balance, Liabilities and Net Worth. Note that the article’s publication date should be from September of 2014 to the current date. Include in your paper: A brief summary of the article (One paragraph; 4-6 sentences) An explanation of two different financial terms listed in the article Analyze the article for effectiveness and applicability to the health care industry Explain the most important consideration from the article—a major point you do not want to forget, and why Provide in-text citation where appropriate (APA) Reference link to articles in APA format. Grading Rubric:


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