Research Paper Topics on Culture

NGOs: Friend, Foe or Foil?

NGOs: Friend, Foe or Foil?

Post should be at least 350 words.Student should present a description (in your own words) of an individual nongovernmental organization’s (NGO’s) mission and capabilities.

Describe the NGO and its capabilities in your own words (paraphrase and cite). Don’t cut and paste something from the NGO website. Obviously, you’ll want to pick an NGO that is involved in issues related to the course.


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Your summary should indicate why your NGO should be considered as a friend, foe, or foil. Some NGOs play important roles in conflict resolution. Some NGOS stir up conflict. They also play important roles during the economic, social and governmental aspects of peace settlements–the kind of problems that often cause negotiated settlements to fall apart and conflicts to reemerge.

Please be sure to state your thesis in the introduction first or second sentence (please put in bold letters) as well as main argument and how will you defend it. Also please add peer review publications to your essay and bibliography as well. Peer review sources are academic journal articles and books. Please use 2 to 3 sources.

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