Research Paper Topics on Culture

Research, the potential repercussions for failure to comply with the wishes of a patient who has requested to withhold a life-sustaining procedure.

Research, the potential repercussions for failure to comply with the wishes of a patient who has requested to withhold a life-sustaining procedure.

Deciding to place a loved one into a long-term care facility can be extremely difficult. Even more difficult is the thought of your loved one’s rights being violated while in long-term care. Patient healthcare rights are not as clearly defined as one would expect, and there are long-term care and other healthcare facilities that create their own sets of patient rights. However, there are also certain indisputable rights afforded to patients across the board.

2-3 pages with introduction paragraph


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Describe the legal and ethical dilemma discussed in the following case study.

Analyze the key ways in which a patient’s right to die relates to this specific case.

2-3 pages

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. citations and references must follow APA

Imagine that you are a part of the ethics committee investigating this case. Determine the main facts pertaining to the issue that the committee should consider.

Suggest one (1) step that the facility should take next in order to resolve the dilemma. Provide a rationale for your response.


Mary Evelyn Greene, who has memory impairment, lives in a private room at Shady Brook Skilled Nursing Facility located in a beautiful suburb of a major metropolitan city. She has resided at Shady Brook for the past 18 months. Before moving into Shady Brook, Mrs. Greene lived independently in her own home with assistance from a private-duty nursing assistant and a housekeeper. She and her husband had resided together in this home for more than 50 years. Mrs. Greene is 89 years old and suffers from several health problems associated with aging.

Mrs. Greene has one son, David Greene. David has the power of attorney to handle his mother’s health care and other personal affairs. David works as a trial attorney in one of the city’s largest and most prestigious law firms. He owns a large home in an upscale neighborhood and works hard to put two of his children through college and another one through medical school. His home is about an hour’s drive from his workplace and about 20 minutes from Shady Brook. David’s wife Barbara has never been close to her mother-in-law and has not shown much interest in her care. Hence, caring for his mother has become a major responsibility for David, and he is having a difficult time dealing with her declining health and the onset of mild dementia. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for David to leave his law practice or the court room to deal with issues related to his mother.

Mrs. Greene’s husband was a very successful land developer who left her with a substantial estate, which meets all of her financial needs. After her husband passed away, Mrs. Greene decided to remain in her home. She was able to maintain her independence until she was 87 years old, when she began to show signs of dementia. Shortly thereafter, David moved her to Shady Brook. David also hired a part-time “sitter” to keep her mother company because she was too weak to go out of her room on her own. Mrs. Greene seems to enjoy the sitter’s company and likes the attention she gets.

Upon entering Shady Brook, Mrs. Greene became depressed over losing her independence and her home and felt a growing frustration with forgetfulness. She gradually lost her appetite, and her desire to eat continued to decline. On the other hand, Mrs. Greene seems to enjoy the smell of certain foods. The associates monitor and document her food intake and her facial expressions when she is offered different foods. Mrs. Greene is particularly fond of Susan Brown, a certified nursing assistant (CNA), who sits with her and helps Mrs. Greene with whatever little she can eat. When this occurs, her appetite shows some improvement. Mrs. Greene also responds well to volunteers who carry out activities at the facility.

Frustrated Family Member

Mrs. Greene has become too weak to eat on her own. When no one is feeding her, she leaves most of her food on the tray. Recently, she has sustained a weight loss of more than 5 pounds per week. Her plan of care needs to be reevaluated, and her situation needs immediate attention.



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