Research Paper Topics on Culture

Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bi-cultural conflict and tension.· Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bicultural conflict and tension, experienced by both the social work intern and Helen, as a result of their ethnic and racial identities.

Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bi-cultural conflict and tension.· Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bicultural conflict and tension, experienced by both the social work intern and Helen, as a result of their ethnic and racial identities.


· Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bicultural conflict and tension, experienced by both the social work intern and Helen, as a result of their ethnic and racial identities.


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· Then, explain how you, as a social worker, might address Helen and her family’s bicultural socialization needs, given what your colleague described.

Colleague 1: Lea


In order to provide competent and effective care, the social worker must be able to adapt and personalize treatment to the individual. When working with individuals from different ethnocultural backgrounds, a balance between cultural sensitivity and empirically proven methodology must be found and utilized (Bernal, Jiminez-Chafey, and Rodriguez, 2009). In the case of The Petrakis Family (Plummer, Makris, and Brocksen, 2014), the social worker is faced with providing services to Helen Petrakis taking into account her Greek heritage, culture and belief systems.

Helen’s Cultural Influences:

For Helen, family is “everything.” She reports the social work intern a number of identifiers of her ethnic identity. She states that she is Greek and practices the Greek Orthodox religion. From there she expresses her cultural practices by explaining that she, as the mother, is the primary caregiver to her husband, her children, and her mother-in-law. In addition to caring for the family, she also holds down a full-time job and cooks and cleans. She also relates to the intern that she and her husband support their adult children because they do not believe in taking money from them. Helen does not seem to think this is anything other than “how things are done.”

Intern’s Perception of Helen

The Intern appears to be surprised by the many roles that Helen plays in her family. She states that she understands why Helen would be showing symptoms of being overwhelmed. Though we are not informed of the cultural background of the social work intern, it is made clear that she is surprised by the cultural practices related by Helen. She is most likely a “modern” woman subscribing to the Anglo-based norms, values, and customs of the ethnic minority. It might be assumed that the intern was raised in a society where children are not supported by their parents indefinitely, working women share family responsibilities with their partners, and aging parents are cared for in retirement homes, or by in-home care. Those values held by Helen and her family are devalued by the dominant culture (the intern), therefore a “deficiency formulation” between the intern and Helen that may affect the efficacy of services provided to Helen (Robbins, Chatterjee, and Canda, 2012).

Dual Perspective Model

The social work intern will have to address Helen’s issues in a way that is in line with her cultural and ethnic identity while alleviating the stress and anxiety she is experiencing. In this case, the social work intern can utilize the Dual Perspective model to assist Helen in overcoming the obstacles she faces. Applying assessment skills in order to gain an understanding of the norms, values, and behaviors, as understood by Helen, will inform both the intern and Helen of the expectations she has placed on her by herself, her family, and her ethnic community. Another skill of importance will be assisting Helen to identify her nurturing (family, immediate community) and sustaining (society, educational, service) support systems so that she and Helen can advocate for and work toward additional services to assist in filling in the gaps. Furthermore, the intern can help identify skill building opportunities such as educational programs and cultural studies to help Helen “develop the flexibility necessary” to manage her cultural beliefs while caring for herself as well (Robbins, et. al., 2012).


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The post Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bi-cultural conflict and tension.· Respond to at least two colleagues by expanding on their posts with an explanation of the bicultural conflict and tension, experienced by both the social work intern and Helen, as a result of their ethnic and racial identities. appeared first on My Nursing Papers.

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