Research Paper Topics on Culture

Social Work Model of Practice


Imagine that you are a clinical social worker in any New Zealand hospitals. Please answer the following questions below.
A) Mahi Tuhituhi: Select a social work model of practice, discuss how you will use this model to support whanau in their pursuit of mauri ora. (Range includes but not limited to Te Wheke, Powhiri, Marrative, Strengths Based, Fonofale)


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B) Consider:
• How does the model of practice reflect the tikanga of manaakitanga? (Tikanga (noun) correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, plan, practice, convention, protocol – the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context (manaakitanga (noun) hospitality, kindness, generosity, support – the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.)

• How might you apply the cultural tool ahurutanga in your own life and your own practice? (ahurutanga: comfort or warmth)

• How you might apply manaakitanga and ahurutanga in your own life and your own practice?

Academic and personal development skills is applied in the conscious pursuit of mauri ora (Range includes but is not limited to written, presentation, APA references)

Nga Paetata: (Evidence Requirements)
Mahi Tuhituhi reflection includes:

Significant experiences of manaakitanga and ahurutanga in relation to whanau and hapu are identified (Range – past and current experiences).
• The impact of historical legacies on whanau today are examined (Range – includes but is not limited to social services legacies, policy, legislation, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi)
• Ahurutanga obligations when providing manaakitanga to whanau Maori and Non-Maori are examined.
• Current ability to promote ahurutanga is examined
• Critical thing, reflection and academic skills to develop an understanding of manaakitanga and ahurutanga are applied. (Range includes but is not limited to – written, presentation, APA references)

Please see: for translation (Maori to English)

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