Research Paper Topics on Culture

Strategic Management of Healthcare

Strategic Management of Healthcare

The Differences between Espoused and Actual Reality

In discussing the tendencies towards perceptual differences in espoused reality and actual reality, the common point of drawing these differences starts from assessing eventual………………….tive elements.  In more explicit terms, an espoused reality refers to everything that shows up in a videotape.

According to the renowned father of modern day psychology, Abraham Maslow, he opines that the strongest mutual instinct common to human beings refers to the need to staying safe from any form of harm (Tajeu, 2010). In this regard, the mut………………….entualities that turn out as lies yet nobody becomes so keen on challenging the truths behind them.

Why it Becomes Difficult for Organizations to Assess themselves honestly

In most cases, these lies, however untrue they may be, they are readily accepted by them showing some elements of life and death consequences (Gandz, 2013). It simply means that individuals in the organization may never challenge these lie in fear of the dire consequences of doing the analysis. In the spirit of tr,………………………………..lic participation concerning the reputation and success of the organization.

Loss of Strength in Organizational Values

It is in the interest of an organization that its organizational values become acceptable based on the intended consequences of these policies. Before narrowing down to the discussion around avoiding the creeping of espoused reality into the d………………………….asters, 2010). Hence most organizational departments must, therefore, discard the influence of espoused truths in their operations in the following ways:

Individual Examination and Leading in Accountability

Fundamentally, management and other departmental heads must take an initiative of self-examining themselves remaining accountable for all the truthful accounts of their operat……………………………hrough their keen interest in truthful endeavors and implement actual real of organizational responsibilities.

Laying a Firm Actual Reality Foundation

As the manager and the head of that organization, laying the foundation for the organization’s track record remains critical and is premised on the structure of the management. Starting off, the manager must stop tolerance for a culture of lying in the d…………………………………….ortantly encouraging this culture throughout the organization.

Creating Value in Collective Truths and Collective Responsibility

In this account, the departmental heads and the managers must create a sense of value in actual reality a……………………..aging in the same

The conversation would then call for holding several departmental meetings the members of the organization. As individuals working in the organization, the need for ascribing to the values of honesty and actual realities easily gets fast-trac………………………..n course and work towards safeguarding the integrity of the organization.

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change


            In the environment, there are numerous determinants of health and disease that cause different effects. In particular, environmental determinants are integral in the assessment, determination, planning and evaluation of nursing practices. However, it is common that these environmental factors are overlooked in the general patient assessments. Whenever these environmental health concerns are overlooked, there are certain aspects of the nursing practice that are lost including the chance prevention which makes public health less served. It is therefore vital to assess these environmental health effects so that the quality of health provided is high enough.

Environmental Factors that Affect Health

            The environment plays a major role in the spread of diseases. As the environment is changing, so are the trends that impact the trends and patterns of diseases. For instance, exposure to environmental carcinogens can increase the risk of cancer. According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been an increase in the number of people who die as a result of air pollution within the last decade. This shows that there is a significant danger caused by climate changes, air pollution, and overcrowding due to the development of cities and industries. Again, temperature fluctuations are responsible for problems with the respiratory system. Industries are also involved in the pollution of the environment which affects the health of people. For instance there was the outbreak of toxic algae on the Southwest Florida’s Caloosahatchee River (Ending Toxic Algae in Florida, 2018). This was as a result of inadequately treated sewage, fertilizer and manure from several industries in the region. These toxic algae can cause respiratory problems, nausea, diarrhea, rashes and in some cases may be fatal. Another environmental factor affecting health is poor sanitation. For instance, within the low income countries approximately half the people practice open defecation (Jacobsen, 2008). This can lead to serious health problems including diarrhea, and cholera.

My Role in Eliminating Environmental Barriers to Health As a nursing practitioner, to help eliminate the environmental barriers will require the intervention process. In this case, I will implement activities that promote health and help people prevent themselves from illnesses and injury. Particularly, I will act as an educator informing patients and members of the communities of the hazards of the environment and how they can possible protect themselves. Some issues to communicate with them involve the use of proper sanitation for the people in low income countries. Again, they should work together with the governmental agencies to ensur………

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