Research Paper Topics on Culture

The concept of meaningful work

Objective: Understand and apply the concept of meaningful work using your current job. You may also refer to a past job or use school if you are currently unemployed. Chalofsky states that the interplay of self, work and balance are key to achieving meaningfulness. Reflect on your current job and answer the following questions.  To what degree are you able to bring your whole self (mind, body, emotion, spirit) to your work and the workplace? What constraints, either external or created by you, are there to bringing any/all of these to the work environment? Consider the culture of your organization as discussed in your previous reflection paper.  What is the emotional labor (Ciulla) required of your job? What social and personal requirements exist beyond the economic transaction for which you were hired?  To what degree are you able to exercise autonomy and control in your work environment and in what ways do you feel empowered?  Do you exhibit a learning orientation or a performance orientation and what are the reasons that prompt this orientation?  How does your job fit into what you consider to be your life’s purpose?  What practical changes can you make in any of these areas to achieve more meaning at work and greater life balance?

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