Research Paper Topics on Culture

The Internet is a powerful tool when information needs to be shared with a large number of people. The Internet allows the public as a whole to access the same information regardless of social standing. With the development and growing popularity of smart phones and tablets, health information may also be accessed without a desktop or laptop computer.

The Internet is a powerful tool when information needs to be shared with a large number of people. The Internet allows the public as a whole to access the same information regardless of social standing. With the development and growing popularity of smart phones and tablets, health information may also be accessed without a desktop or laptop computer.

Mobile applications are available and can be used to look up medical symptoms, possible causes of such symptoms, drug information, and insurance information. Built-in global positioning systems (GPS) can be used to find the closest hospital or health care provider. Many emergency rooms will even respond to a text message stating the current patient wait time.

This week, you will learn about how social media can be used to advertise and promote health information. A health care provider can use social media sites to share information with the provider’s patients. The use of telecommunication tools opens the door to increased use of social media in the health care industry. New articles can be posted and video clips of health professionals giving lectures can be shared. Social media also allows users of common beliefs and health preferences to share information with each other.


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What you will cover

0. Health Information Accessibility

a. Describe the use of the Internet in promoting access to health information.

1) Information can be shared with the public as a whole

a) The public can access health information through web searches and medical sites such as WebMD

2) With correct information, the public is empowered to take necessary action

a) Patients are more informed about their health and related conditions

b) Information allows patients the opportunity to ask informed questions

c) Online reviews provide information to the public on health care providers performance

3) Accuracy of data: Refer to government websites or sites recognized by health care professionals, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Mayo Clinic

4) Internet allows for research on health topics

a) Use Internet sites associated with accredited health care organizations

b) Use with caution

(1) Inaccurate information can delay treatment

(2) Advice is not always provided by health care professionals

(3) Anyone can post to a blog or chat room

(4) Information might not always be correct

b. Describe various telecommunication tools for accessing health information.

1) Mobile applications

a) Blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse tracking, diet

b) ITraige, HealthTap, WebMD, Pill identifiers

c) GPS

(1) Tracks physical activity

d) Telemedicine

c. Identify the role of social media in today’s health care industry.

1) A health care provider can share articles and videos with patients

2) Social media gives people with similar ideas and beliefs a forum to share thoughts and ideas

3) Patients use social media to communicate with health care professionals

4) Use of YouTube and Facebook for health related topics

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The post The Internet is a powerful tool when information needs to be shared with a large number of people. The Internet allows the public as a whole to access the same information regardless of social standing. With the development and growing popularity of smart phones and tablets, health information may also be accessed without a desktop or laptop computer. appeared first on My Nursing Papers.

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