Research Paper Topics on Culture

You are a middle manager in a healthcare organization that has merged with a previous…

You are a middle manager in a healthcare organization that has merged with a previous competitor. Up until now, employees saw the competition as an enemy that provided poor quality of care.

The new corporation, however, has in place several inpatient and outpatient services that your organization does not. What impact will the sale
have on the culture of the new combined organization? As a middle manager, what can you do to ensure that the combined staff will work
together to provide quality care without taking on a competitive stance? Finally, describe what the organization will look like, in terms of systems and shape. Write your response in a 1,750-word paper in which you cite at least four references. Be sure to use the readings to provide a theoretical framework for your discussion.


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Caution: Do NOT research an actual merger that has taken place. If you do, you will receive zero points under the Content area (50% of the points for this assignment). Please also note that the organizations in question have inpatient and outpatient services, thus it is an acute care facility.
the book referenced is below including chapter 6 and 14 of following book:
Liebler, J.G., & McConnell, C. (2008). Management Principles for Health Professionals (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

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